The Virginia Kenkonkai trains in the Japanese sword martial arts of Nakamura Ryu Battodo, Toyama Ryu Iaido and Mugai Ryu Iaihyodo.
Batto, like iai, is a 'drawing sword' art that begins and ends with the sword in the saya. Nakamura Ryu grew from basic swordsmanship for military officers taught at the Toyama Military Academy in the late 1920's, although it has deep roots in several koryu, or older styles.
Students learn basic sword techniques, one- and two-person forms, and cutting. There is no sparring. Emphasis is on focus and control, effective technique, and spirit. Students may occasionally be exposed to other sword arts, either by visiting instructors or through voluntary participation in seminars or competitions.
We are a full member branch of the International Batto-Do Federation, and train whenever possible with the Kakuseikai, hombu dojo of Nakamura Ryu Happogiri Toho.
Mugai Ryu is a 400-year old art with a strong foundation of Buddhist thought and an emphasis on Katsujinken, the life giving sword. It has a rich tradtition which includes iai and kenjutsu.
We support a sub-branch of the Yokohama Mugaikai, within the Shiryukai under Konishi Soke.
Visitors are welcome at any time. Those interested in training are requested to visit and watch a full class prior to coming out on the training floor. We are available for seminars, demonstrations, community and cultural events.
For more information on studying Nakamura Ryu and Toyama Ryu, please contact Dave Drawdy at drawdyd@gmail.com.
For more information on studying Mugai Ryu, please contact Kurt Brown at